
Posts Tagged ‘civil war’

General Fowler

We’ve often wondered about this statue at Lafayette and Fulton. Fort Greene residents invoke the name of one general every time we say the name of our neighborhood (and this blog). But you probably don’t know the name of the general depicted in this monument (we didn’t). General Edward Fowler, or “Ned” as his friends called him, led a regiment of union troops from our neighborhood in the civil war. They were stationed in Fort Green Park before fighting in Gettysburg and apparently he and his soldiers earned the nickname the “Red-Legged Devils” on account of their bright red breeches and ferocity in battle. According to the city’s website, Fowler lived in a house where the Atlantic Terminal now stands and his statue has watched the neighborhood change since 1902. We’ll be paying “Ned” our respects next time we walk by.

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